Friday, June 1, 2012

My Scoliosis Story
Summer of 2011 I went to my yearly well-child-care checkup. You know how they have you bend over and touch your toes? I did and my Dr noticed one side of my back was higher than the other side. She estimated about a 6 degree curve (hmmmm...) and sent me in for x-rays just to be sure. My lumbar (lower) spine had about a 25ish degree curve and thoracic (top) was about 23 degrees. 

They sent me in to be fitted for a brace (I was NOT happy with anyone that day) and it arrived 2 weeks later. So I have to wear it 20/24 hours a day. Those four hours without it is usually the best part of my day.

I would love to hear other girls' stories...There are not many people with this "condition", I would love to hear from someone who gets it :)

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